Market Size

The global ammunition market is expected to grow at a
CAGR of 3.2% from 2022 to 2030.

$ 0 B
Total Global Ammunition Market (2021)
$ 0 B
Global Small Caliber Ammunition Market (2021)
$ 0 B
North America Small Caliber Market Share (2021)

Market Adoption

Business model

TYPHON will offer completely lead free ammunition for markets
that ultimately disallow lead materials in all ammunition components.

TYPHON’s material MAGIC and unique technology mix supports the production
of higher margin products for standard and specialty ammunition markets.

  • Internal use
  • Commercial sales
  • Speciality ammunition

Industry Ranking

0 %
Direct Marketing
0 %
Distributor network

Competitive landscape

  • Defense contractors.

    General Dynamics Corp, Northrop Grumman.

  • Large suppliers.

    Hornady, Remington Arms, Vista Outdoor Operations.

  • Startups.

    New-Age companies or startups

  • Typhon.

    Most potential lead substitution in the market.